Announcing the Avatars for Everyone Winners
We’ve reached the end of another exciting jam! Four weeks ago, we asked VRChat’s creator community to submit their avatars to the Avatars for Everyone Jam. All finalists will be added to VRChat’s Featured Avatar row, and the ten winners will receive a year of VRChat Plus.
This has by far been our most successful avatar jam yet! Thank you to all of our 310 participants. Even if you didn’t make it into judging, we hope you enjoyed creating your submission and learned something along the way.
Our judges were blown away by the quality and diversity of the avatars submitted. Picking winners was not easy. There might’ve even been one or two arguments between judges, but we got through it!
Avatars for Everyone Finalists
180 Avatars were presented to our judges, who decided on a whopping 75 avatars that will be added to the Featured (Public) Avatar row!
Don’t worry, the previous Featured Avatars will be retiring to the Legacy row, and they will still be available to all of their fans moving forward. We thank them for their years of service and all the creators who kept them going!
Our 74 Finalists are…
A-Cat by Asio_JPN
Abandoned Computer by barkScript
Abyssal Construct by Sillurgy
Alex by Marino
Alex by WalGesicht
Alien Rabbit by BEBE CARROT
AMP by MR_em
ARMS light by shake999
Astral Magester by Crazium
Atena by GabSith
Axelottie by Nae the Loud
Bean by FancySocks
Bestboi Chibi Public by Bestbois
Bhird by meltingarmymen
Burger Cat by ironicsoap
Carney Public by Angelic Crone
ccoogoo by シーレ/crepix
Charcoal by Furriest
Chibi Space Bun by E L I Z A
Clown by riceballer
Cube Kitty by SylviaCrisp
Cyberwolf by Gambit
CZ by asm0x0_あすみ
Darcy by Jorror
Finny by Olivian
Fishy Bon by babybonito
Flint Burntwood by Sylveon77
Freakhound by Ghost Cabbit
Funkmaster Jman by Raujinn
Handie by WuWanan
Hudson the Wizard by Charoody
inch the fisherworm by blueasis
Jimmy Smooth by ShadowKittay
Kori by TerraReef
Little Griffin by Estefanoida
Lunar Lizzy by it's moe
Meownyrn Catbot Public Jam by FrostKittyPaw
Misfortune Pawn by Jar
Mr Noble Skeleton by MrNobleSkeleton
Mururu by kuroneko_tsuki
Mushy by Luluru
Nimbus by Inevanable
Olga by Ethosaur
PC-droid by kittoki
per-loo-per-woo by yuuya_lo
Plato's Demon by Mr Mycelium
Pupbot by Widget365
Rex the Raptor by Zab
Robocoon by ぶろ⁄blo
Robodog by Bob_irl
Rune by -Darian-
RURILALA by aku955
sania3․0 by alt_tamaki
Simple Fox by cellomonster
Sir Charletagne by Octuplex
Space Kitty by MonAmiral
Swan Bear by dawnofender
Sylias Space Bunny by Rainhet
Teenage Boomer The Dino by Dangleberry
The Awtter VRChat by Shade the Bat
The Professional by Bāph
The wool wizard by some random peep
Tigerbee by Tokyozilla
Trio by はにょえ
TV by Cozu by Cozu
UFOcto by Snapdragons
Umbra by Tofu_Teriyaki
Vrchat Handheld Device by Seasickdrip
Xperiment by speedbuiz
YADOKA_OOAME by さかずき ないぎ
Yukie by Temmie Dola
チセ -chise- by TKSP(タクスペ)
Avatars for Everyone Winners
Now the moment all of you have been waiting for… presenting our 10 Winners, each receiving one year of VRChat Plus:
In no particular order
Alex by Marino
AMP by MR_em
Axelottie by Nae the Loud
Bean by FancySocks
Bhird by meltingarmymen
Funkmaster Jman by Raujinn
Pupbot by Widget365
Rune by -Darian-
TV by Cozu
Xperiment by speedbuiz
While our jaws were constantly on the floor thanks to the amazing quality of the avatars all of our creators submitted, these ten really impressed us! We think they do an especially good job of showcasing the diversity VRChat has to offer. As we said before, it wasn’t easy selecting only ten winners. The sheer quality of incredible creators who submitted their work to this Jam was mind blowing.
Sometime in the next week, we’ll be sending out emails with feedback to all participants who submitted an avatar. Please keep an eye out for that!
Didn’t make it to the finals this time? Don’t fret! After the incredible success of this Jam, you can be certain that another one will be coming in the future.
Thank you all once again for participating. We can’t wait to see what you create next!
For press or media inquiries, please contact [email protected]
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