VRChat Spookality 2022
Bizarre, unnatural lights dancing across the sky. Pervasive humming as dusk fades into night. Reports of livestock disappearing without a trace.
That mysterious object hovering about your house? There’s no need to fear – it’s just a weather balloo– I mean, it’s Spookality 2022!
Our annual Halloween-themed seasonal jam is back!
Every year, Spookality allows us to highlight some of the most talented creators in VRChat. From October 1st to the 21st, users will be able to submit their most unsettling avatars and bizarre worlds for consideration. Every week, our team of Absolutely 100% Humans will pick our favorites, which will be added to the 2022 Spookality Hub world.
There, test subjects – err, I mean users – will get to see everything you’ve made.
How Do I Submit My Creation for Spookality?
First: before you get started on your project, please take some time to review our Terms of Services & Community Guidelines. All submissions must consist entirely of original assets and the submitter must own or otherwise have the right to use the content submitted (including all component parts).
Any content violating the above rules won’t be selected, so read ‘em carefully!
Additionally, all content submitted must make use of VRChat SDK3 to be qualified for submission. Worlds must use VRCSDK3 for Worlds and Avatars must use VRCSDK3 for Avatars. While the use of more advanced features within the SDK (such as Avatar Dynamics) is recommended, it is not required!
It’s also not required for your content to be cross-platform compatible, but content that is will have a higher chance of being featured.
With that out of the way, though, how do you actually submit your world or avatar?
This year, we’re having creators submit their worlds and avatars via our own Jam portal on the VRChat website! You can access that by logging into the VRChat website and clicking on the “Jam” button right under your profile picture (it’s big and purple, so you can’t miss it!). Or, you can just click here!
Submissions open up October 1 at 12PM PT and will close on October 22 at 12PM PT. Make sure you get yours in before submissions close!
When Will People See My Stuff?
This year, we want to ensure that all of our UFOlogists have enough time to properly examine whatever oddities they find in the wild. To make that happen, we’ll be spotlighting worlds and avatars on a weekly basis. For worlds, this will mean adding them to the Spookality World Row. For avatars, it’ll mean adding them into the Spookality Hub world.
While that means that early submissions will have the greatest chance of being seen by the most people, we’d encourage you not to rush!
The Spookality World Row will be active until a few weeks after Halloween. Likewise, the Spookality Hub won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
Prepare For First Contact!
Creators, it’s time to start prepping your machinations!
Excited about what you’re working on? Tweet at us and use the hashtag #Spookality2022 – if we’re sufficiently creeped out/in awe/[REDACTED], then we’ll share your work!
Spookality is an exciting time in VRChat, and us Humans are just absolutely charmed by what your specie– er, what your… uhh… talents! What your talents have dreamed up! Good luck to all that enter!
For press or media inquiries, please contact [email protected]
We’re hiring! Check out open positions on our site