Spookality 2023 is Coming Soon!

A thick fog rises, choking out the moon’s light. In the distance, you swear you can hear hounds baying into the night. Without warning, an acrid smell fills your nostrils and you’re besieged by countless whispers, echoing in your skull.

The words buzz around your ears like flies, but you can’t make out what’s being said. Your skin tingles, bristling against the chill. Against your best judgment, you close your eyes, trying to listen to the message being sent to you.

Yo, whaddup – cool hat you got there. Oh, also Spookality 2023 is here!

Our annual Halloween-themed seasonal jam is back!

Every year, Spookality allows us to highlight some of the most talented creators in VRChat. From September 25th to October 17th, users will be able to submit their most unsettling avatars and bizarre worlds for consideration.

On October 20th, our crack team of occultists, ghost hunters, stabologists, and, uh, Steve, will pick our favorites. We will feature the best submissions in a temporary Spookality World Row and a special Avatar Pedestal which will be added to the VRChat Home World.

How Do I Submit My Creation for Spookality?

First: before you get started on your project, please take some time to review our Terms of Service & Community Guidelines. All submissions must consist entirely of original assets and the submitter must own or otherwise have the right to use the content submitted (including all component parts).

Any content violating the above rules won’t be selected, so read ‘em carefully!

Additionally, all content submitted must make use of VRChat SDK3 to be qualified for submission. Worlds must use VRCSDK3 for Worlds and Avatars must use VRCSDK3 for Avatars. While the use of more advanced features within the SDK (such as Avatar Dynamics) is recommended, it is not required!

It’s also not required for your content to be cross-platform compatible, but content that is will have a higher chance of being featured.

Your content must have been updated after submissions have opened (September 25th). You're welcome to dig up an older avatar or world and fix it up for this year's Spookality – just publish the new changes after this date and it will be accepted for consideration.

With that out of the way, though, how do you actually submit your world or avatar?

This year, we’re having creators submit their worlds and avatars via our own Jam portal on the VRChat website! You can access that by logging into the VRChat website and clicking on the “Jam” button right under your profile picture (it’s big and purple, so you can’t miss it!). Or, you can just click here!

Submissions open up September 25th at 12PM PT and will close on October 17th. Make sure you get yours in before submissions close!

When Will People See My Stuff?

We want to ensure that all of our adventurous demon-hunting users seeking deliverance and/or damnation have enough time to properly examine whatever oddities they find in the wild. What that means is that we’ll be keeping submissions up from October 20th to November 11th.

During that time, selected worlds and avatars will be visible in the default VRChat Home World. Likewise, worlds will be put into their own Spookality Row – so you won’t be able to miss ‘em.

What Kinda Stuff Should I Make? Will There Be Feedback?

This year, there’s no precise theme – just general spookiness is fine! What that means in particular is totally up to you.

As there is no general theme this year, there’s also no scoring or feedback. We’re just looking to celebrate spooky stuff and highlight the best stuff we see!

Prepare the Ritual!

Creators, it’s time to start prepping your machinations!

Excited about what you’re working on? Tweet at us and use the hashtag #Spookality2023 – if we’re sufficiently creeped out/haunted/[REDACTED], then we’ll share your work!

Spookality is the one time of year where it’s totally okay to follow your friends around in VRChat chanting in weird tongues, sharing your favorite grimoires, and uttering the name of The Forbidden One to Bring About the Event – er, we mean… uhh, sharing your spooky creations with the rest of the community!

Good luck – and we’re excited to see what you come up with.


For press or media inquiries, please contact [email protected]

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